The Healer Foundation

Privacy Statement
General Data Protection Regulations 2018

We have recently introduced a privacy policy, but rest assured that your personal information is treated with respect and care. The Healer Foundation do not supply your details to anyone other than your website listing and the BCMA website listing, if you have consented to that on your signed consent form and will only contact you with relevant news and information.
Your personal details will only be kept as long as you are a member of the HF organisation.
As soon as your membership ceases your personal data will be removed and destroyed.
With effect from the 25 May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) comes into force.

The Healer Foundation is the data controller for the personal information you provide to the organisation.  

Information provided to the HF organisation by you, will initially be used to administer your membership. Your personal therapy information will be entered on the HF web site and shared with the British Complimentary Medicine Association (BCMA) via their web site for the purpose of your therapy business.

Personal data is held within the organisation to enable you to access services as part of your Healer Foundation membership. The Healer Foundation will not share your data with any other third parties unless required or permitted to do so by law.

The Healer Foundation, 2 Chapelfield Croft, Ripponden, HX6 4DG, West Yorkshire.